Started last year during our ‘BalconyLife‘ exhibition outdoor display and ‘Open September at the Dye Garden’, this is the first time that the BalconyLife Cloth is being shown to the public. It is a visual record of the community engagement and interaction with the work we have been doing at the Nomadic Dye Garden and the Florence Trust. Visitors and participants of the various outdoor workshops and events were encouraged to choose a piece from the Balcony Life collection of metal objects on display in the garden, and to wrap it in a piece of cotton. They were all then left outside on display till the end of the month when they were all unwrapped, revealing the rusted imprints.

We are delighted to have the cloth on display for the first time in ‘Still Life‘ at the Leicester Contemporary. It is a beautiful piece in its own right and a wonderful visual record of the month and community interaction with our work. Many thanks to everyone who came to the garden and wrapped an object, this piece is yours as much as it is ours.