In Search of the King of Saxony
The inspiration for this work is drawn from a near death experience, my subsequent recovery and management of the condition, thanks to modern medicine. The stitching on the piece represents the 34000 pills I've consumed in the last 15 years in order to sustain life. The colour spectrum (light to dark) and intricate stitched patterns reflect my ongoing journey through pain management.
Media: Recycled judo jacket, recycled cotton threads and string
Hand dyed all natural colour; red onions skins, rusted metal, indigo and eucalyptus
Hand dyed all natural colour; red onions skins, rusted metal, indigo and eucalyptus

Inspired by the Powhatan's Mantle and the Canadian Skin Shirt, I wondered what other social anthropological curiosities the Tradescants may have discovered on their botanical expeditions?
"Powhatan's Mantle is the only surviving example of five 'match-coats' and habits supposedly made by the Algonquian Indians of Virginia listed in the 1656 catalogue of the Tradescant collection.”
The Curiosity Project has inspired a continuation of the ARTEFACT project, which led to the creation of a series of fetish figures and talisman charms to accompany a shaman’s jacket and mantle, reflecting parts of my identity.

The Curiosity Project
Garden Museum London
Lambeth Palace Road London SE1 7LB
Garden Museum London
Lambeth Palace Road London SE1 7LB
Open daily until 15 October 2017

All photographs Jonathan Dredge