‘Belief’ started life as part of a collaboration between the Garden Museum and Morley College and was inspired by the newly reconstructed TRADESCANT ARK at The Garden Museum in 2017. The Curiosity Project explored the astonishing diversity of the recorded and surviving 17th century collection of natural, cultural, mythical and curious objects amassed by the Tradescant family at their Lambeth home. The collection eventually formed the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. A selection has been lent to the Garden Museum where the Tradescant family have a famously elaborate tomb, and Elias Ashmole is also buried.

The collection of objects on the spectacular rough-cut recycled timber table are made from interesting objects found whilst mud-larking on the banks of the Thames – clay pipes, rusted objects and recycled pieces found closer to home – naturally dyed threads, seed pods and even bones from our dinners. Together with The King of Saxony, Mantle and Apron, they form the larger collection you can see on display in Still Life.