Scrim Bowls
All natural colour and mark marking
All natural colour and mark marking
Bowls 1 and 3: Carpenter’s scrim, sandwiched steel wool, vinegar and cotton thread.
Bowl 2: Hand stitched indigo-dyed cotton muslin.
Bowl 4: Hand stitched black and fruit tea stained cotton muslin, with steel wool and vinegar.
Twine & Twilight - Chelsea Physic Garden August 2017
Roots, Shoots & Leaves – Upstairs Gallery July / August 2017
Imperfect Beauty - Morley Gallery June 2015
Roots, Shoots & Leaves – Upstairs Gallery July / August 2017
Imperfect Beauty - Morley Gallery June 2015

A development from Scrim Bowls, exploring multiples
Carpenter’s scrim, sandwiched steel wool treated with vinegar to enhance the rust marks
A development from Scrim Bowls, exploring multiples
Carpenter’s scrim, sandwiched steel wool treated with vinegar to enhance the rust marks
Twine & Twilight - Chelsea Physic Garden August 2017
Imperfect Beauty - Morley Gallery June 2015
Imperfect Beauty - Morley Gallery June 2015

All photographs Jonathan Dredge