Better late than never, here are some photos from the eco-dyeing taster workshop, held at the Contmporary Textile Fair, the Landmark Arts Centre, Teddington.
Using a very generous bundle of eucalyptus (from Saffron Flowers, Columbia Road Flower Market), donated onion skins from Tamar Balakjian and some past their sell-by date ‘Mother’s Day’ roses, we set about creating bundles. With each student selecting which natural materials to use and how to arrange them, each scarf is unique. After leaving the scarves to ‘cook’ in the dye pot, the students returned to unwrap their bundles. There is always great excitment in the unbundling, as it is the first time the students see the unique patterns and colours they have created.
The workshop was very well recieved by both the students and the CTF, and we are looking forward to running it again in the not too distant future.
‘A brilliant day on Ross’s workshop at the the Landmark Arts Centre. LOVE my silk scarf! When’s the next workshop? Thank you so much xx’ Tess Janes
‘I enjoyed it very much and learnt so many things in such a short time. The scarf I brought home to Limerick is precious as my first experiment…’ Eileen Coates

All photographs Jonathan Dredge